Projecting the Patagonian Icefields mass loss in the future (PROPAGEMOS). ANID Fondecyt N°11251090. PI Ilaria Tabone.
AI4Glaciers: AI-Enabled Prediction of Glacial Calving based on 4D Real-Time Multi-Sensor Monitoring (AI4G). DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). PI Xabier Blanch (TU Dresden); Anette Eltner (TU Dresden); Co-PI David Farías-Barahona.
Understanding the dynamics of Pio XI Glacier, the largest Glacier of the Andes. ANID Fondecyt N°1241776. PI Marius Schaefer (UACH); Co-PI David Farías-Barahona; Co-PI Ilaria Tabone
Icebound Instability: unravelling glacier-conditioned landslides in the Patagonian Andes (FallingAndes). ANID Fondecyt N°1241944. PI Pablo Iribarren (UACH); Co-PI David Farías-Barahona
Rock glaciers in the Subtropical Semiarid Andes of Chile: Untangling their origin, age, and paleoclimate significance. ANID Fondecyt N°1241043. PI Juan Luis García (PUC); Co-PI David Farías-Barahona.
Fortalecimiento académico en Geografía con énfasis en el estudio de la Criósfera y la aplicación de geotecnologías. ANID SIA PAI85220007. PI David Farías-Barahona.
Rock glaciers at the Azufre sub-basin (34.3ºS – 70.2ºW). Understanding their dynamics at the southern margin of the mountain permafrost region, Semiarid Andes of Chile. ANID Fondecyt N°3230146. PI David Farías-Barahona; Co-Inv. Alfonso Fernández.
Regional-scale ice-flow modelling in Patagonia since the Little Ice Age (RESPONSE). DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Individual Research Grant. Project n. 495516510. PI Ilaria Tabone
Cold-Blooded: Drivers of Climate Change Refugia for glaciers and streamflow responses. ANID Anillo ACT210080 (2022-2025). Postdoctoral Researcher (until 2022) (Closed). David Farías-Barahona
Understanding the impact of rocky debris on the melting and future evolution of glaciers in the central Andes of Chile. VRID (UdeC) N°2023000810INI. PI David Farías-Barahona and Alexander Gross (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg).
QFuego-Patagonia: a comprehensive glacier-related dataset for Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, South America. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), Suiza. PI David Farías-Barahona; Co-Inv Marius Schaefer (UACH) and Matthias Braun (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) (Closed).
Sistematización de la información glaciológica de la provincia Capitán Prat, Región de Aysén. Unidad de Glaciología y Nieves, DGA Coyhaique. DGA SIT N°- .PI David Farías-Barahona (Closed).
2022 -2023
Understanding the impact of the debris coverage on the melting of glaciers in the central Andes of Chile. Faculty of Sciences, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Hertha und Helmut Schmauser-Stiftung. PI David Farías and Alexander Gross (Closed).
2021 -2023
Rock glaciers at the Sierra del Brujo (34.3°S – 70.2°W). Understanding their dynamics at the southern margin of the mountain permafrost region, Semiarid Andes of Chile. VRID (UdeC) N°2021000006P. PI David Farías-Barahona (Closed).
2021- 2022
Long-term glacier mass balance on the Antarctic Peninsula. Emergent Talent Initiative (ETI)– Universidad de Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). PI David Farías-Barahona; Co-PI Matthias H. Braun (Closed).
Improving surface mass balance and hydrology representation at the Northeast Greenland (SURFYNG). Alexander Von Humboldt (AvH) Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (grant 1212941-ITA-HFST-P). PI Ilaria Tabone.
Detailed quantification and interpretation of ice elevation changes in the Southern Andes and South Georgia. CONICYT, ANID PFCHA N°72170055. PI David Farías-Barahona (Closed).
Glacier surge dynamics in the Central Andes. Fränkische Geographische Gesellschaft. PI David Farías-Barahona (Closed).